Real Estate Agent

Brown Harris Stevens

162 Court Street

Al Viera

real estate professional

Brown Harris Stevens

162 Court Street
Seasoned with more then 20 years in the New York real estate business, Al Viera is one of the best known and most trusted agents in Brownstone Brooklyn. Having represented both buyers and sellers in all of Brownstone Brooklyn, Als reputation as a fair dealer and deal maker precedes him wherever he goes. Known for his honest, direct style, he works diligently for every client, whether its a multi-family house, or a studio rental. Having managed an office, worked in small brokerages as well as large, Al capably navigates through the sometimes daunting tasks required of home owners, buyers, landlords and renters in a way that puts all his client at ease. In fact, many of Als clients have been with him as long as hes been in real estate, showing his commitment to service and client satisfaction. This trust is built through placing his priorities on keeping all parties informed and treated fairly. Known particularly for his talent at valuing properties, whether a single or multi family home, co-op, condo, or rental, Al is often a consultant to other agents regarding pricing, renovation estimates, and the state of the market generally. His accuracy is based on years of working in the area, seeing real estate markets rise and fall, and a keen instinct for curb appeal, market demands, and neighborhood desirability. In addition, Als acute attention to detail keeps his clients interests protected and safe. Knowing that there can be unexpected surprises, he is careful that the fine lines have been read, considered and addressed. Al is father to 4 year-old boy named Julian, and husband to entrepreneur Valerie Viera. They met when Al showed Valerie her first apartment in Brooklyn, a decade ago.
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