Real Estate Agent

Daniel Kent

Специалист по торговле недвижимостью


Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave

Douglas Elliman

575 Madison Ave
Born in Japan with an international upbringing and education in Europe and South East Asia, Daniel Kent exudes a lifetime of global experience and genuine expertise for connecting people with expansive and intuitive skill. His integrated work ethic and life philosophy can be summed up in one word derived from the Japanese language, “Omotenashi;” to provide genuine service and hospitality from the agent's heart with honesty and integrity, while anticipating well in advance every possible circumstance and outcome for his client.

Daniel's ardor for real estate began at a young age. Intrigued by traditional craftsmanship and working with design and architecture, it was at 18 years old that Daniel worked alongside a family friend, building custom log and timber homes near the shores of Lake Superior in the Great Northwoods. After receiving his undergraduate in Classical Studies and Ancient Roman History and a Master of Arts in Italian Literature at Vermont's Middlebury College and Universita degli studi di Firenze in Florence, Italy, Daniel relocated to New York City with the original intent of pursuing a career in Academia.

New York being a city of so many boundlessly fascinating opportunities, Daniel explored pursuits as a music editor for an international fashion magazine, a lead designer and builder for the commercial interiors of world-class luxury brands, and a beverage director for a two-star Michelin chef's table in Tribeca, just to name a few. Ultimately, it was the world of New York City Real Estate which empowered Daniel to truly access and adorn the entirety of his talents. With extensive experience in luxury new development and exclusive residential sales, Daniel has confidently and quietly earned the reputation and credibility as one of the best in his discipline.

Observing the New York City real estate market with a sentinel vigilance, Daniel values his clients' interests above all else. Daniel devoutly honors the privacy and discretion of his sellers and buyers, and considers his role a guardian of their assets and an emissary to their goals. Daniel is an Associate of Noble Black & Partners at Douglas Elliman Real Estate.

#1 Team NYC #2 National
Город Покрытие:Brooklyn, Queens,

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