Real Estate Agent

Shakira CoPenny

Специалист по торговле недвижимостью


Douglas Elliman

111 Fifth Ave

Douglas Elliman

111 Fifth Ave
Shakira considers herself a real estate adviser, not just a salesperson. “There are so many aspects to real estate – not just buying and selling. I want to be able to help people navigate the market and make the process work for them.”

Shakira takes particular pleasure in helping homeowners achieve optimal prices and helping first-time buyers break into the market. “I truly believe in the American dream, and real estate is the best vehicle to achieve this goal.” Having personally bought and sold homes, she understands the inherent complexities of a transaction; not just the steps, but the emotional effect and other factors. This allows her to provide valuable insight to clients whether they are purchasing their first home, building their commercial stockpile, or selling that house that they have come to love.

Born and raised in Brooklyn, Shakira offers a distinct advantage being so ingrained in the fabric of her hometown, which offers an incredible selection of unique neighborhoods. She attended Brooklyn Tech High School, then went on to receive a BA in Mathematics from Temple University in Philadelphia, and an MS in Telecommunications from NYU. Her math background gives her a logical perspective, while her expertise in Corporate America as a former Technical Project Manager and team leader taught her professionalism and accountability. In her spare time, she loves to volunteer, cook, and travel.

Shakira has capitalized on her experience and invested in her career by earning an Associate Broker's license. She continually looks for ways to increase her knowledge and hence benefit her clients, as in her mind, education never stops.

Presently living Downtown Brooklyn Shakira promises every real estate client the highest level of integrity and transparency so they always know what's going on, along with a thorough education on the small and big picture of the market to ensure their success for years to come.
Город Покрытие:Brooklyn,

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